Lignano Sabbiadoro

Lignano Sabbiadoro

The application to become a UNESCO heritage site will soon be presented.
A study will evaluate the presence of the necessary requirements for recognition. The Marano Lagoon and the Foci dello Stella Reserve are involved in the initiative.
The City of Lignano Sabbiadoro could therefore be added – depending on the indications of the study – to the five World Heritage sites already present in Friuli Venezia Giulia, the archaeological area and the patriarchal Basilica of Aquileia, the Venetian fortress of Palmanova, the Lombard site of Cividale of Friuli, the pile-dwelling site of Palù di Livenza and the dolomitic area of the provinces of Pordenone and Udine; or to the Julian Alps Biosphere Reserve.
List of UNESCO criteria:
Representing a masterpiece of man’s creative genius.
Show an important interchange of human values over a long period of time or within a cultural area of the world, on developments in architecture, technology, monumental arts, urban planning and landscape design.
Being a unique or exceptional testimony of a cultural tradition or of a living or disappeared civilization.
Constitute an extraordinary example of a building typology, an architectural or technological ensemble or a landscape that illustrates one or more important phases in human history.
Being an exceptional example of a traditional human settlement, of the use of territorial or marine resources, representative of a culture (or multiple cultures) or of the interaction of man with the environment, especially when the same has become as a result of transformations irreversible.
Being directly or materially associated with living events or traditions, ideas or beliefs, artistic or literary works having exceptional universal significance.
Feature exceptional natural phenomena or areas of exceptional natural beauty or aesthetic importance.
Constitute an extraordinary testimony of the main periods of the evolution of the earth, including evidence of life, of geological processes taking place in the development of the physical characteristics of the earth’s surface or of significant geomorphic or physiographic characteristics.
Constitute significant examples of important ecological and biological processes underway in the evolution and development of terrestrial, freshwater, coastal and marine ecosystems and plant and animal environments.
Present the most important and significant natural habitats suitable for the in situ conservation of biological diversity, including those in which threatened species of outstanding universal value from the point of view of science or conservation survive.